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Going by the old saying ‘a penny saved is a penny, tax saving is an essential part of financial planning. Government of India provides tax saving benefits under several sections to encourage and embrace savings and investment.

The Tax Saving options we offer:


80C is one of the most sought-after sections by individual taxpayers that reduces annual taxable income through investments and expenses. Through 80C you can claim a deduction of up to ₹1.5 lakh per year from your total annual income.

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To encourage citizens in being health-conscious, the government has allowed tax deduction up to ₹5,000 for health checkups with an overall exemption of not more than ₹25,000 (subject to conditions) for payment made for health check-ups and health insurance.

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Under this section, an individual gets a tax exemption on capital gains on selling any kind of long-term capital asset (residential property) by investing the capital gain in the purchase or construction of the property.

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80 CCD

Under 80 CCD you get tax exemptions by contributing to National Pension Scheme and Atal Pension Yojna. These schemes were launched by the government to embrace pension planning among the citizens.

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