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Grow With Ease

Growease Finvest Private Limited is an AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor, with 18 years of overall experience in managing wealth and providing all kinds of financial services. What we do is more than just money, we believe in helping you to attain financial independence and security for your future. When you choose Growease you choose a partner who deeply understands you and your needs. Right from wealth management to helping you build a financially independent future we have you covered at all times. We leave no stones unturned to earn your trust through our dedicated service.

At Growease we know and understand that every customer is not the same. Everyone has a diverse set of requirements depending on several life aspects like debts, children, marriage etc. With our holistic approach to wealth management, we help you strengthen your financial strategy to manage your money in a simpler way.

Our Process simplifies financial arrangements to meet your goals



Here we try become acquainted with customers and their monetary points, through various meetings we talk about your current life scenarios like income, debts and liabilities. This lets us have a clear picture of how and which plans will fit your requirement without being a burden.



This is where we get ready with composing choices and suggestions of all the plans that suit your objectives. The planning is done after a careful composition and reviewing back all the plans. There can always be a possibility of some life changes like childbirth, marriage, etc.



This is where you decide and agree with an arrangement that meets your objectives and spending plan, all the essential documentation is drawn up and you are ready to head towards a secure future with more growth.


24/7 Support Whenever you need us, we are there.

Personalized Services choose what’s best for you

We believe in Knowledge sharing so you stay informed and updated

We understand your unique needs and help you achieve everything you plan

My vision and effort is in the direction of supporting my clients and helping them strengthen their financial game.


Founder and MD

Started his career by working for several national and International banks at senior managerial Positions. He was awarded the best sales head (North zone) by Indusland bank. After working in the financial sector for around 15 years he decided to start his own company and this is how Growease Finvest Pvt Ltd came into existence. He has never looked back ever since, with clientele spreading over 500+ families and with more than 100 crores of funds under management.

He walks along a vision to serve his clients in a way that is nothing like ordinary. He believes in helping his clients in paving the way to financial freedom and supporting them in growing their money with ease.

Facing a difficulty in deciding what you need?
Schedule a phone call with us.